Advanced Dentistry
Experience and expertise in looking after the jaw joint as well as teeth and gums
Most people understand that dentists are there to look after their teeth and gums, and this is what dentists do as part of their daily practice.
At HRS Dental Care, we understand that oral health does not end with the teeth and gums. It also encompasses the health of your jaw joint and the muscles you use to chew every day.
Some people naturally have a dentition that is in balance, but some have bite discrepancies which can lead to:
- Headaches
- Clicking or locking jaw joints
- Jaw joint pain – limiting diet to soft foods
- Very sensitive teeth
- Teeth which break ‘for no reason’
- Tense or tender jaw muscles
- Difficulty eating certain types of food
Our vision of Total Oral Health for life means we take a holistic approach to achieve balanced dentition. Our dentists will help ensure jaw joints, muscles and teeth work in harmony – so your teeth, and our dental work, will last longer and work more efficiently.
This is a complex area of dentistry, for which HRS Dental Care accepts referral from dentists all over Gloucestershire. Our Clinical Director, Dr Neil Harris, is one of a small number of dentists in the UK to have graduated from the Dawson Academy. He regularly teaches dentists from all over Europe the intricacies of Aesthetic and Functional dentistry.
“I am happy to recommend HRS Dentalcare as I no longer dread a dental appointment”